Activities per year
- 350 - 400 out of 862 results
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¿Cómo innovar en modelos de negocio en la artesanía?
Weinberger Villarán, K. E. (Speaker)
11 Aug 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Influencia de los Recursos Financieros sobre el Desempeño Innovador
Acosta Prado, J. C. (Speaker)
23 Oct 2022 → 26 Oct 2022Activity: Participating in an event
APP vs Obra Pública: una comparación para el caso de redes viales en Perú
Bonifaz Fernández, J. L. (Speaker)
24 Aug 2022Activity: Participating in an event
The Power of Categorization: Reflections on the Category ‘Venezuelans Displaced Abroad’
Freier De Ferrari, L. F. (Speaker)
9 Jun 2022 → 10 Jun 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Conferencista invitado en el Seminario Internacional. "La Gestión del Conocimiento. Creando Valor en las Organizaciones"
de Azambuja Donayre, Ó. F. (Speaker)
6 Jul 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Moderador de la 3ra Mesa sobre "El Estado, las inversiones y el Arbitraje"
Talavera Cano, A. A. (Speaker)
31 Aug 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Remarks on pseudo-continuity
Cotrina Asto, J. E. (Speaker)
26 Apr 2022 → 29 Apr 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Lima como mujer: la ciudad y sus poetas
Vinatea, M. (Speaker)
19 May 2022Activity: Participating in an event
"La nueva es falsa y verdadero el llanto": El descubrimiento del estrecho de Magallanes y las falsas nuevas de Guafo
Vinatea, M. (Speaker)
6 Sep 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Opportunities for small potato-producing units in the challenges of COVID-19 economic reactivation. A multidimensional approach
Luna, A. E. (Speaker), Chong Chong, M. G. (Speaker) & López, P. (Speaker)
Apr 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Xenophobia, Racism and Revealed Preferences: Uncovering Social-racial Hierarchies through Venezuelan Displacement to Peru
Bird, M. D. (Speaker), Freier De Ferrari, L. F. (Speaker) & Muñoz Chirinos, P. (Speaker)
5 May 2022 → 8 May 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Catolicismo corporativo y Estado. Acerca de un rasgo de la religion en el Perú entre 1920 y 1945
Armas Asín, F. A. (Speaker)
18 Nov 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Uncertainty and Stochastic Theories on European Options Valuation and their Delta and Vega Risk
Mongrut Montalván, S. A. (Speaker)
23 Sep 2022Activity: Participating in an event
La Gestión del Conocimiento para las Ciudades Inteligentes
Acosta Prado, J. C. (Panelist)
1 Dec 2022 → 2 Dec 2022Activity: Participating in an event
“Capital coming in, trade moving out. The building of credit and investment networks in a merchant house in Colombia, 1880-1893”
Rodríguez Satizabal, B. (Speaker)
28 Jul 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Posibilidades de crecimiento de las exportaciones peruanas
Aráoz Fernández, M. R. (Speaker)
14 Jul 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Abogados del Futuro 2022
Mares Ruiz, C. E. (Commentator)
8 Nov 2022Activity: Participating in an event
They Bring COVID, They Bring Crime; Understanding Border Securitisation in Peru and South Africa
Freier De Ferrari, L. F. (Speaker)
23 May 2022 → 25 May 2022Activity: Participating in an event
SDG Conference Bergen 2022
Guadalupe Mendizabal, C. A. (Speaker)
9 Feb 2022Activity: Participating in an event
El conflicto entre los sofistas y la tradición socrático-platónica
Carrión Caravedo, Ú. (Speaker)
9 Aug 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Contrataciones públicas eficientes
Cusato Novelli, A. (Speaker)
24 Feb 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Estudio comparativo sobre cómo definen la Responsabilidad Social los estudiantes latinoamericanos de carreras de grado relacionadas con la gestión.
Ortigueira Sánchez, L. C. (Speaker)
13 Oct 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Women entrepreneurs in Peru: Between the traditional with a secret touch and diving into the new.
Rodríguez Satizabal, B. (Speaker)
24 Jun 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Quo Vadis Latinoamérica, La Visión Económica,
Aráoz Fernández, M. R. (Speaker)
19 Apr 2022Activity: Participating in an event
RSU y su impacto en los ODS: Alianzas, empresas y tercer sector
Schwalb Helguero, M. M. (Speaker)
7 Nov 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Lectura Dantis Limensis
Wiesse Rebagliati, J. R. (Speaker)
5 Mar 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Presentación del libro Actualidad y futuro del pensamiento de Eugenio Coseriu (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad del Pacífico, 2021)
Wiesse Rebagliati, J. R. (Speaker)
22 Nov 2022Activity: Participating in an event
La mujer en el campo empresarial. La brecha de género.
Fuchs Angeles, R. M. (Speaker)
8 Mar 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Expositor en el Ciclo de conferencias Magistrales por el 48 aniversario de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y de Negocios de la Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana (UNAP)
Kámiche Zegarra, J. N. (Speaker)
13 Dec 2022Activity: Participating in an event
The Direct and Indirect Effects of Messages on Tax Compliance: Experimental Evidence from Peru
Castro Carlín, J. F. (Speaker)
2022Activity: Participating in an event
Actualidad, Técnica, Científica y Metodológica en Sostenibilidad
Acosta Prado, J. C. (Speaker)
6 Apr 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Prospectiva económica y negocios para los próximos años en el Perú
Aráoz Fernández, M. R. (Speaker)
5 Oct 2022Activity: Participating in an event
IX Revoluciona - Transformación digital de la cadena de suministro
Chong Chong, M. G. (Speaker)
11 Mar 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Configurar nuestra identidad narrativa: una aproximación ricoeuriana a "El sueño del pongo" de José María Arguedas
Del Mastro Puccio, C. A. (Speaker)
14 Mar 2022Activity: Participating in an event
File -
The modernization of business education in Peru 1960-1970s
Monsalve Zanatti, M. (Speaker)
22 Jun 2022 → 24 Jun 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Enhancing student learning with domotics projects
Libaque Saenz, C. F. (Speaker)
30 Jun 2022Activity: Participating in an event
The Effect of Health Insurance on Child Nutritional Outcomes. Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design in Peru
Bernal Lobato, N. (Speaker)
4 Nov 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Household Electrification and Labor Supply: Experimental Evidence from El Salvador
Barrón Ayllón, M. F. (Speaker)
20 Dec 2022Activity: Participating in an event
El valor del cuidado: Derechos sociolaborales y el reconocimiento de trabajadoras del hogar en Bolivia, Perú y Uruguay
Pérez, L. M. (Speaker)
7 May 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Forgiveness, Self-Discipline, and Religiousness among college students amid COVID-19: In search of an ideal metric of happiness
Mateu Bullon, P. F. (Speaker)
6 Jun 2022 → 10 Jun 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Encuentro sobre la mujer profesional: una mirada hacia el futuro" - (Centro de Arbitraje CCL - Club Español de Arbitraje Mujeres)
Aráoz Fernández, M. R. (Speaker)
14 Oct 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Network structure of micro hubs designed for the instant delivery
Luna, A. E. (Speaker), Rodríguez Serra, M. (Speaker), Chong Chong, M. G. (Speaker) & Regal, A. (Speaker)
Apr 2022Activity: Participating in an event
The Effect of Health Insurance on Child Nutritional Outcomes. Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design in Peru.
Bernal Lobato, N. (Speaker)
1 Jul 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Resilience and prospects of data-driven and empiric management
Guadalupe Mendizabal, C. A. (Speaker)
16 Nov 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Presentación de Paisajes peruanos de José de la Riva-Agüero (Madrid-Frankfurt, Iberoamericana Vervuert, 2022)
Wiesse Rebagliati, J. R. (Speaker)
2 Nov 2022Activity: Participating in an event
La historiografía empresarial latinoamericana: haciendo un balance y mirando hacia el futuro.
Rodríguez Satizabal, B. (Speaker) & Zuluaga, J. C. (Speaker)
4 Mar 2022Activity: Participating in an event
prospectivas segundo semestre de la economía Peruana
Aráoz Fernández, M. R. (Speaker)
24 Aug 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Cases For Culture - Harvard
Vergara Paniagua, A. (Panelist)
2 Dec 2022Activity: Participating in an event