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Publications per year


Professional profile

Full-time Professor in the Department of Economics at Universidad del Pacífico. She holds a Doctorate degree in Mathematics from the University of the Antilles and Guiana (France) and the IMCA- Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, a Master of Science from the IMCA- Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, and a Licentiate (professional license) in Mathematics from Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. She has experience in research projects in collaboration with international institutions: MathAmsud, SticAmsud; she has done a post-doctorate at the Center for mathematical modeling of Universidad de Chile. She is a member of the Peruvian Mathematical Society and the French Mathematical Society. She is also a qualified researcher in Science and Technology from SINACYT (REGINA-CONCYTEC). She currently serves as Coordinator of the Mathematics II course in the Department of Economics of Universidad del Pacífico. She has been the main organizer of the Latin American Workshop on Optimization and Control in 2014 and scientific Researcher of the Peruvian team in the Stic-Amsud OVIMINE project during the 2011-2012 season. Main co-organizer of: Summer School: Strategies and Dynamics in Games in the 2019 She is the scientific researcher of the Peruvian team in the MATH-AmSud project: From monotonicity to dynamic and equilibrium: structures and applications (MODYNE) from 2017-2018.


Doctora en Ciencias con mención en Matemáticas, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Peru

7 Jan 2008

Doctorat en Mathématiques, Université des Antilles et de la Guyane

12 Dec 2007

Magíster en Ciencias con mención en Matemática Aplicada, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Peru

15 Dec 2003

Licenciada en Matemáticas, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Peru

24 Apr 2002

Bachiller en Ciencias con mención en Matemáticas, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Peru

10 Oct 2001

Concytec Score

  • Level IV

Researching Topics

  • Mathematics and statistics
  • Optimization
  • Variational Analysis

Teaching Topics

  • Mathematics


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