Activities per year
- 300 - 350 out of 822 results
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Coordenação na Resposta a Desastres: caso do Peru
Chong Chong, M. G. (Speaker)
10 Jul 2023Activity: Participating in an event
El otro en el diálogo: hacia el bien común
Del Mastro Puccio, C. A. (Speaker)
18 Jul 2023Activity: Participating in an event
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Uma abordagem multidisciplinar para un objeto de estudo heterogéneo: a história empresarial latinoamericana no século XXI
Rodriguez-Satizabal, B. (Speaker)
3 Oct 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Esfuerzos de Adaptación al Cambio Climático: Una mirada desde el sector Público, Académico y Privado
Pecastaing, N. (Speaker)
30 Mar 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Tecnología, Inteligencia Artificial & Big Data
Libaque Saenz, C. F. (Panelist)
27 Sep 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Una lectura ricoeuriana de José María Arguedas
Del Mastro Puccio, C. A. (Speaker)
6 Feb 2023 → 10 Mar 2023Activity: Participating in an event
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La contienda como principio vital: de Heráclito a Nietzsche
Carrión Caravedo, Ú. (Speaker)
6 Dec 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Análisis sobre los parámetros de medición de la investigación en derecho
Mares Ruiz, C. E. (Speaker)
2 Mar 2023 → 3 Mar 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Economía, desarrollo y empresa en los últimos veinte años
Rodriguez-Satizabal, B. (Commentator)
6 May 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Inteligência artificial aplicada ao setor de Óleo & Gas e monitoramento,
Lazo Lazo, J. G. (Speaker)
24 Aug 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Highway Project and Residential Property Quality: the case of Vías Nuevas de Lima
Aguirre Montoya, J. C. (Speaker)
26 Oct 2023 → 27 Oct 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Roads and deforestation - Do Local Institutions Matter
Galarza Arellano, F. B. (Speaker)
12 Aug 2023Activity: Participating in an event
WORKSHOP: Data Analytics with Python for Decision-Making in Organizations
Luna, A. E. (Speaker), Rentería-Ramos, R. (Speaker), Hitas, D. Z. H. (Speaker), Ortiz, K. N. T. (Speaker), Chong Chong, M. G. (Speaker), Arzaluz, F. A. (Speaker) & Robles, R. (Speaker)
12 Mar 2023Activity: Participating in an event
El Estado ideal de Platón y su crítica a la democracia
Carrión Caravedo, Ú. (Speaker)
12 May 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Migration policy preferences and political trust: Evidence from Colombia and Peru
Bird, M. D. (Speaker) & Freier De Ferrari, L. F. (Speaker)
18 May 2023 → 20 May 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Técnicas para la apreciación literaria: "Memorias de Adriano" (Marguerite Yourcenar)
Del Mastro Puccio, C. A. (Speaker)
22 Sep 2023 → 24 Nov 2023Activity: Participating in an event
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Migration Preferences and Political Trust: Evidence from Colombia and Peru
Bird, M. D. (Speaker) & Freier De Ferrari, L. F. (Speaker)
31 Aug 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Chair in a parallel session of the XXX AEDEM International Conference
Saravia Vergara, E. A. (Speaker)
5 Sep 2023Activity: Participating in an event
PRESENTACIÓN del capítulo Reformas en salud EN el informe
Cortez Valdivia, R. A. (Speaker)
Dec 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Case Studies on China Business
Mayorga Gutierrez, D. J. (Participant)
9 Jan 2023 → 13 Jan 2023Activity: Participating in an event
La regla de oro: justicia y democracia para una cultura de paz
Villarán Contavalli, A. M. (Speaker)
6 Dec 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Impacto de las APP aeroportuarias en América Latina: Los casos de Chile, Colombia y Perú
Bonifaz Fernández, J. L. (Speaker)
24 Oct 2023 → 26 Oct 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Chat GTP: Oportunidades y Desafíos
Mares Ruiz, C. E. (Participant)
28 Jun 2023 → 30 Jun 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Peru: From Perpetual crisis to Tipping Point?
Vergara Paniagua, A. (Speaker)
3 Mar 2023Activity: Participating in an event
The generalized Nash game proposed by Rosen
Cotrina Asto, J. E. (Speaker)
16 Jan 2023 → 20 Jan 2023Activity: Participating in an event
La minería artesanal en Perú: una propuesta de medidas fiscales para su formalización
Mares Ruiz, C. E. (Speaker)
20 Nov 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Variables tributarias a tener en cuenta al momento de invertir
Mares Ruiz, C. E. (Speaker)
23 Nov 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Impacto de las APP aeroportuarias en América Latina: Los casos de Chile, Colombia y Perú
Bonifaz Fernández, J. L. (Speaker)
25 Oct 2023 → 27 Oct 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Less deforestation, more savings, and more health: spillovers from the implementation of national commitments to mitigate climate change by 2050
Aguirre Montoya, J. C. (Speaker)
23 Jul 2023 → 25 Jul 2023Activity: Participating in an event
La influencia de Levinas en América del Sur y Central
Del Mastro Puccio, C. A. (Speaker)
25 May 2023Activity: Participating in an event
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CONFERENCIA El Día de la Gestión Pública 2023
Cortez Valdivia, R. A. (Panelist)
11 Nov 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Hay Festival Arequipa 2023
Vergara Paniagua, A. (Speaker)
9 Nov 2023 → 12 Nov 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Covid 19: Desempleo, desigualdad y precarización en el Perú 2020-2030
Alarco Tosoni, G. A. (Speaker)
23 May 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Situación de la economía del Perú en un contexto de cambios en la economía mundial
Alarco Tosoni, G. A. (Speaker)
8 Sep 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Hacia una nueva política comercial inclusiva en la postpandemia: análisis, tendencias y propuesta
Alarco Tosoni, G. A. (Speaker)
28 Apr 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Criterios de edición en la Epístola a la Serenísima Virgen María
Vinatea, M. (Speaker)
24 Oct 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Understanding fresh potato ecosystems in Peru. Opportunities & challenges in the post-pandemic era
Chong Chong, M. G. (Speaker), Luna, A. E. (Speaker), López, P. (Speaker), Llanos, D. (Speaker) & Obregón, C. (Speaker)
21 May 2023 → 25 May 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Acerca de una clase de problemas de optimización robusta no-convexos y cuadráticos
García Ramos, Y. V. (Speaker)
10 May 2023Activity: Participating in an event
On a class of robust nonconvex quadratic optimization problems
García Ramos, Y. V. (Speaker)
17 May 2023Activity: Participating in an event
LimaTours: problemáticas, crecimiento y consolidación de un tour operador local, en el desarrollo del turismo en el Perú (1956-1980).
Armas Asín, F. A. (Speaker)
3 Aug 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Impact of private and public initiatives on individuals’ employment and income during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Peru
Mongrut Montalván, S. A. (Speaker), Cruz, V. (Speaker) & Pacussich, D. (Speaker)
30 Oct 2023 → 1 Nov 2023Activity: Participating in an event
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La actividad empresarial en la publicidad durante tiempos de guerra. Perú, 1910-1922.
Rodriguez-Satizabal, B. (Speaker)
3 Aug 2023Activity: Participating in an event
Finite Mixture of Regression Models based on Multivariate Scale Mixtures of Skew-Normal Distributions
Benites Sánchez, L. E. (Speaker)
3 Apr 2023 → 5 Apr 2023Activity: Participating in an event
COVID-19: Desempleo, desigualdad y precarización en el Perú 2020-2030
Alarco Tosoni, G. A. (Speaker)
16 Sep 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Contexto y proceso político en el Perú
Vergara Paniagua, A. (Speaker) & McEvoy, C. (Speaker)
Jun 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Subnational Resource Governance after the Commodity Boom
Merino Acuña, R. A. (Speaker)
16 May 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Retos de la economía peruana y diseño de una estrategia de recuperación transformadora (apuntes para discusión)
Alarco Tosoni, G. A. (Speaker)
14 Nov 2022Activity: Participating in an event
Desigualdades como origen y resultado de la pandemia del covid-19: Análisis y propuestas 2020-2030
Alarco Tosoni, G. A. (Speaker)
1 Jul 2022Activity: Participating in an event
COVID-19: Desempleo, desigualdad y precarización en el Perú 2020-2030
Alarco Tosoni, G. A. (Speaker)
12 Sep 2022Activity: Participating in an event