Charla Informativa para Padres e Hijos MARZO 2024
- Beltrán Barco, A. C. L. (Speaker)
- Weinberger Villarán, K. E. (Speaker)
- de Azambuja Donayre, Ó. F. (Speaker)
- Castro Carlín, J. F. (Speaker)
- Zuñiga Schroder, H. A. (Speaker)
- Miguel Bravo Tantaleán (Speaker)
- Prialé Valle, M. Á. (Speaker)
- Rivero Ponce de León, E. R. (Speaker)
- Quevedo Alejos, M. I. A. (Speaker)
- Monsalve Zanatti, M. (Speaker)
- Luna, A. E. (Speaker)
- Aliaga Aliaga, W. (Speaker)
- Chong Chong, M. G. (Speaker)
- Monsalve Zanatti, M. (Speaker)
- Hernani Merino, M. N. (Speaker)
- Malca Guaylupo, Ó. E. (Speaker)
- Universidad del Pacífico
- Universidad del Pacífico Research Center
- Department of Economics
- School of Business
- Department of Business Administration
- School of Engineering
- Department of Engineering
- School of Economics and Finance
- Department of Law
- Department of Accounting
- Department of Humanities
- Department of Marketing and International Business
Activity: Other activities › Participation in activities to attract students (Completed by Educational Advice)