How to motivate the interest in physics to engineering students without dying in the attempt?

Producción científica: Contribución a una conferencia

5 Citas (Scopus)


Sometimes, at the beginning of the class, and in basic sciences courses, professors use some didactic materials or demonstrative experiments. However, this feature is just an introductory tool that does not necessarily guarantee the success of the attention, much less the learning of students belonging to the generation of digital natives, known as the Generation Z (born between 1994 and 2009). Additionally, college students, at present, are immersed in the 4th Industrial Revolution; so, as educators, we focus on 3D printers, electronics, robotics and IoT. For this reason, our strategy is to engage the students in their learning process with new educational methodologies, face different projects and foster new challenges in the teaching-learning process. The learning objective is to integrate the students in an active participation to build their knowledge and develop their skills. This work shows the efforts carried out to increase the students' motivation and interest of self-taught. They must be creative and exposed students to information that runs careers which are far from the exact and natural sciences. The pilot test was implemented in the Physics course belonging to the Business and Information Engineering careers. The combinations of various methodologies such as Flipped Classroom, Project Based Learning, Cooperative Learning and Design Thinking, among others, were used. The introduction of basic principles of robotics and programming language, ending with the student's training in 3D printing technologies were the key that students develop the capacity of working in a multidisciplinary team and applying the mentioned methodologies. Also, a detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis is presented not only for the group projects generated but also of students' performance in their exams. Finally, the results obtained are compared with those of previous semesters, showing that the aggregation of several learning strategies are useful and essential since they have a direct impact on skills and demonstrations of knowledge as a response to educational process.


ConferenciaEDUNINE 2018 - 2nd IEEE World Engineering Education Conference: The Role of Professional Associations in Contemporaneous Engineer Careers, Proceedings
Período29/08/18 → …

Palabras clave

  • 3D FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling)
  • Arduino
  • DT and Competency-Based Learning
  • LBP
  • flipped classroom
  • innovative methodologies
  • motivation


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