Equity and targeting adolescents and youth in health service delivery

Rafael Cortez, Meaghen Quinlan-Davidson

Producción científica: Otra contribución


This knowledge brief provides an overview of equity and targeting and the value-add of using an equity-based approach to adolescent and youth health service delivery. For TTLs, policy makers and program/project managers, applying an equity-based approach to adolescent and youth health services begins with understanding why certain groups of young people are vulnerable, and within that, identifying those at greatest risk. It entails analyzing dimensions of inequality (e.g., income, location, gender) and the interaction between those factors using inequality analytics, and undertaking a comprehensive assessment of health systems and services at the sub- national and service delivery levels. It involves ensuring the participation of vulnerable groups of young people.
Idioma originalInglés
Número de páginas4
Lugar de publicaciónWashington DC
EstadoPublicada - may. 2017
Publicado de forma externa

Series de publicaciones

NombreKnowledge brief
EditorWorld Bank Group


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