Os novos ‘grupos de pressão política’ dos evangélicos na América Latina

Oscar Amat y León, José Luis Pérez Guadalupe

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


This chapter deals with new ways of doing politics in the Latin American evangelical religious field (mainly in the neo-Pentecostal sector), explores new social rationalities that go hand in hand with the “political” crisis and invest in the instrumentalization of “politics” by certain religious sectors. Now, the new "political evangelicals" use the defense of a "moral agenda" as a starting point to insert themselves in the political world and begin to prioritize "political pressure groups" as a strategy of public influence. Therefore, it seeks to understand the rationality of these new political strategies of evangelicals and the capacity they may have to influence Latin American “public policies”.
Original languagePortuguese
Title of host publicationNovo ativismo político no Brasil
Subtitle of host publicationos evangélicos do século XXI
EditorsPérez Guadalupe José Luis, Brenda Carranza
Place of PublicationRio de Janeiro
StatePublished - 2020


  • Christianity and politics--Political aspects--Latin America
  • Evangelicalism--Latin America
  • Brasil e os novos atores religiosos da política latino-americana

    Translated title of the contribution: Brazil and the new religious actors in Latin American politicsPérez Guadalupe, J. L., 2020, Novo ativismo político no Brasil: Os evangélicos do século XXI. Pérez Guadalupe, J. L. & Carranza, B. (eds.). Rio de Janeiro, p. 17-109

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

  • Novo ativismo político no Brasil: Os evangélicos do século XXI

    Translated title of the contribution: New political activism in Brazil: Evangelicals of the 21st centuryCarranza, B. (Editor) & Guadalupe, J. L. P. (Editor), 2020, Rio de Janeiro. 391 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review

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