The discrepancy between the perception of corruption and its actual level is a complex phenomenon shaped by individual and contextual factors. In Peru, corruption scandals involving parliamentarians, magistrates, and even presidents. This study seeks to determine the sociodemographic and sociopolitical factors that attenuate or aggravate citizen perception regarding the participation of public officials in acts of corruption. We apply two logit models based on data from 9,490 Peruvian citizens between 2006 and 2017 from the Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP) survey. We conclude that the sociodemographic factors that could attenuate or aggravate officials' perception of corruption are age, sex, area of residence, economic outlook, and university education, while the sociopolitical ones are presidential approval, political orientation, and political affinity with the president. This study could be helpful for the coordinated fight between citizens and the state against this flagellum in Latin American countries or similar.Period | 18 Jan 2024 |
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