Economic evaluation of CO2 storage and sink enhancement option

Bert Bock, Richard Rhudy, Howard Herzog, Michael Klett, John Davison, Daniel Gerardo De la Torre Ugarte Pierrend, Dale Simbeck

Producción científica: Informe/libroInforme oficialrevisión exhaustiva


This project developed life-cycle costs for the major technologies and practices under development for CO2 storage and sink enhancement. The technologies evaluated included options for storing captured CO2 in active oil reservoirs, depleted oil and gas reservoirs, deep aquifers, coal beds, and oceans, as well as the enhancement of carbon sequestration in forests and croplands. The capture costs for a nominal 500 MWe integrated gasification combined cycle plant from an earlier study were combined with the storage costs from this study to allow comparison among capture and storage approaches as well as sink enhancements.
Idioma originalInglés
Número de páginas462
EstadoPublicada - feb. 2003
Publicado de forma externa


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