Marketing Towards Happiness in Peru

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There is a growing trend of the study of Happiness, its importance, the ways to increase and measure it (Diener and Chan (Appl Psychol: Health and Well-Being 3:1–45, 2011), Diener and Seligman (Psychol Sci 13:81–84, 2002)), which have motivated Marketing to take this subject into account in order to achieve the greatest consumer welfare. For this reason, researches on consumer behavior and its preferences, based on the subject of happiness, are important because it will generate a better understanding of how Marketing should address consumers from the perspective of Happiness. In other words, Marketing seeks to generate added value to consumers by stimuli related to their happiness. The present study aims to identify the main consumer opinion on Marketing and Happiness in Peru, based on a qualitative study of Hanson and Arjoon (Adv Manag 3:7–14, 2010), who analyzed consumer subjective opinion, in order to define major marketing stimuli and strategies that contribute to consumer happiness.
Idioma originalInglés
Título de la publicación alojadaMarketing Challenges in a Turbulent Business Environment
Subtítulo de la publicación alojadaDevelopments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science.
Lugar de publicaciónEstados Unidos de América
EstadoPublicada - 2016

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