title = "Disillusionment and hope -- Peru Under Garcia: An Opportunity Lost by John Crabtree / Peru's Apra by Carol Graham / The Peruvian Puzzle by Felipe Ortiz de Zevallos / Shining Path of Peru edited by David Scott Palmer / and others",
abstract = "Review.",
keywords = "Political Science--International Relations, Politics, Nonfiction, Democracy, Income distribution, Economic development, Economic growth, Garcia, Alan, Peru, 92611:Administration of General Economic Programs",
author = "{Cruz Saco}, {Maria Amparo}",
note = "Nombre - Shining Path-Peru Copyright - Copyright Latin American Research Review 1995 Personas - Garcia, Alan {\'U}ltima actualizaci{\'o}n - 2020-11-17 CODEN - LARRBM SubjectsTermNotLitGenreText - Peru; Garcia, Alan",
year = "1995",
language = "Ingl{\'e}s",
volume = "30",
number = "3",