Understanding the intention to use location-based services: A comprehensive theoretical framework

Edgardo R. Bravo, M. Karina Ferreyra

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle in a journalpeer-review


The present article delves into the realm of ubiquitous technologies, specifically focusing on the continued usage intention of location-based services (LBS). It integrates various theoretical frameworks to develop a comprehensive model that truly encompasses the factors that impact this phenomenon. The proposed model is based on the Awareness System Acceptance Model by Zweig and Webster (2002), with the addition of various relevant variables: LBS characteristics, privacy concerns, and expectation-confirmation elements. By exploring the many aspects of the LBS ecosystem, this research aims to bridge the gap in understanding the post-adoption context of ubiquitous technologies. Future studies on this subject will utilize this mode.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)413-427
JournalIssues in Information Systems
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2024


  • Ubiquitous technologies
  • Location-based services (LBS)
  • Sage intention
  • Theoretical framework


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