Inversión extranjera directa y evolución de las exportaciones: la experiencia peruana en el marco de APEC

Translated title of the contribution: Foreign direct investment and export performance: the Peruvian experience in the framework of APEC

Alexandra Carhuaricra Ubillus, Fiorella Parra Mujica

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle in a journalpeer-review


This research measures the impact of APEC economies FDI on Peru's total exports. Solving this question will help us understand the effect that this FDI has on the Peruvian economy through its export capacity, as well as determine whether or not this FDI stimulates an export-oriented industrialization. Using data from Proinversion, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (MINCETUR), Central Reserve Bank, SUNAT, the World Bank and StatsAPEC we developed an ordinary least squares (OLS) model and observed that APEC economies FDI has a positive effect on exports. Specifically, an increase in 1 million soles of APEC FDI generates an increase of 44.37 million soles in exports. However, this positive effect has a decreasing marginal returrn as the investment stock rises.
Translated title of the contributionForeign direct investment and export performance: the Peruvian experience in the framework of APEC
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)72-90
JournalJournal of Business
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2016


  • Inversión Extrajera Directa, APEC


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