Inteligencia emocional: Perspectivas y aplicaciones ocupacionales

Research output: Working paper


During the past years, the increasing interest for emoti onal intellig ence has g enerated
several theoretical frameworks, which origina te different definitions and measurement tools. This topic has also b rought in significant changes in the organizational environment. Emotions in the individual’s working life have be en given importance as research has proved that emotional intellige nce is a factor influen cing organi zational eff ectiveness, leadership, career development and group work. This paper is a literature review which addresses from the theoretical rationale –emotion a nd intelligence– of the concept, through methodological aspects, an d psychometrical prop erties, to p ractical o ccupational a pplications. It even analyzes the objections to the different conceptual contributions and empirical evaluation.
Original languageSpanish
Place of PublicationLima
Number of pages33
StatePublished - 2005
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameDocumentos de trabajo

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