Implications for developing countries

Janne Bemelmans, Seul Lee, Mercedes Aráoz Fernández, Gustavo Sebastián Sánchez García, Eva Boonaert, Elizabeth A. Bennett

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Due diligence regulations have important implications for developing countries as they are on the frontline for the implementation of due diligence requirements. Furthermore, developing countries are relatively distanced from the discourse around due diligence, which is more prevalent in developed countries. This chapter assesses potential adverse impacts of due diligence for developing countries
and the interactions with VSS.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe future of sustainable trade
Subtitle of host publicationDue diligence initiatives, voluntary sustainability standards and developing countries
Place of PublicationGeneva
PublisherUNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
ISBN (Electronic)978-92-1-106967-9
ISBN (Print)978-92-1-003361-9
StatePublished - 2025

Publication series

NameTechnical and statistical report

Bibliographical note

"Janne Bemelmans (University of Leuven), Seul Lee (UNCTAD), Mercedes Aráoz Fernández and Gustavo Sebastian Sanchez Garcia (Universidad del Pacifico), Eva Boonaert (University of Leuven) and Elizabeth Bennett (Lewis and Clark College) for their contributions on “Implications for developing countries", page iv.


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