Analyse importance-performance dérivée et modèle diagonal dans une municipalité espagnole

Luis Camilo Ortigueira-Sánchez, Manuel Ortigueira-Bouzada, Dinaidys Gómez-Selemeneva

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle in a journalpeer-review


This article presents and discusses empirical research into citizen satisfaction, conducted to measure the performance and management of local public policies. The object of the research is to evaluate the public safety policy of a Spanish city through a survey measuring citizen satisfaction with the local public services. Regression and ‘importance-performance analysis’ (IPA) were applied to the views expressed by a sample of citizens. One objective of the study reported is to use different derived importance values, from correlation and regression analysis, to compare the results of two ‘importance-performance analyses’. The concept of variant and invariant weights and the three-factor theory of customer satisfaction were also considered for the research. Results confirm that the ‘fire service’ is seen as a ‘dissatisfier’, a basic or flat attribute; they suggest that negative coefficient values could be associated with ‘dissatisfiers’ and that inherent discontinuity is only partly resolved in the partition importance-performance grid. The findings show that the results of the two IPAs differ using the traditional IPA grid but are similar with diagonal models of the partition IPA grid.
Original languageFrench
Pages (from-to)493-513
Number of pages21
JournalRevue Internationale des Sciences Administratives
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1 Sep 2017

Bibliographical note

Publisher: I.I.S.A.

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