A comparison of European and Latin American boycotter profiles

Matilde Schwalb, Iñaki García-Arrizabalaga

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Profiles of European and Latin American boycotters are compared. Boycotters are people that in the last 12 months have considered punishing a company they see as not socially responsible. Globescan allowed us to use data from 2013 representative samples of Brasil (n=800), Mexico (n=800) and Peru (n=1,020). With these secondary data, an ordered logistic regression was performed to determine which variables were significant to explain boycotting behavior. Results were compared to the profile for the European boycotter according to the specialized literature. Some coincidences (education) and important differences (age, gender and income) were found in the Europe-Latin America comparison.
Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - Jan 2015
EventEuropean Marketing Academy - EMAC Conference - Bélgica
Duration: 1 May 20151 May 2015


ConferenceEuropean Marketing Academy - EMAC Conference

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