
Professional profile

Mr. Trujillo Sosa is a Full Professor in the Academic Department of Administration. He holds Magisters in Organizational Development and People Management from the Universidad del Pacífico and the Universidad del Desarrollo (Chile), respectively. He also has a double Master's Degree in Marketing and Sales Management from the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas and the Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI, Spain) as well as a Licentiate in Business Administration from the Universidad del Pacífico.

In addition, Mr. Trujillo teaches on the Marketing Management and Commercial Management master's program at the Pacifico Business School. He also serves as professor and mentor at the Entrepreneurship Center at the Universidad del Pacífico, taking charge of courses related to business management, business plans, entrepreneurship, marketing, and sales.

Elsewhere, Mr. Trujillo has led consultancies and training within companies in Peru as well as South and Central America, specializing in strategic planning, design of commercial strategies, and skills development for those in commercial areas. His professional experience spans more than 30 years in transnational and local companies operating in different sectors in Peru, Columbia, and Central America, including management positions.

Area of specialization:
Management, marketing, entrepreneurship, commercial management, e-commerce.


Maestría en Desarrollo Organizacional y Dirección de personas


Master en Dirección de Marketing y Gestión Comercial, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas


Licenciado en Administración de Empresas, Universidad del Pacífico


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