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Publications per year


Professional profile

Professor of the Department of Social and Political Sciences of Universidad del Pacífico and Researcher at CIUP. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Montreal (Canada) with a doctoral scholarship from the Trudeau Foundation, a Master’s degree in Political Science from the Free University of Brussels (Belgium) and a Bachelor’s degree in Law from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. He carried out a post-Doctorate at Harvard University (United States). He has served as a Professor in charge of courses on Latin American politics in the Political Science Departments of the Universities of Montreal, Harvard and Sciences-po (Paris and Poitiers campus). His research has essentially focused on the Andean countries observing different dimensions of the political regime: citizenship, representation, technocracies, accountability, subnational powers, among others. His academic research has appeared in Latin American Research Review, Journal of Democracy, and Journal of Politics in Latin America, among others. He is the author of the books La Danza Hostil: Subnational Powers and the Central State in Bolivia and Peru, (1952-2012) and Neither amnesiac nor irrational. The 2006 elections in historical perspective. He co-edited with Carlos Meléndez the book The Initiation of Politics. Political Peru in Comparative Perspective. His political essays and articles have been compiled in the book Citizens without a Republic. During the March-July 2018 semester he was a fellow Researcher at the National Endowment for Democracy in Washington DC.


Bachiller en Derecho, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

Doctor en Ciencia Política

Magíster en Ciencia Política, Université libre de Bruxelles

Concytec Score

  • Carlos Monge III

Researching Topics

  • Social politics
  • Social groups
  • Citizenship and Political Representation
  • Political Regimes

Teaching Topics

  • Political science
  • Citizenship
  • Democracy
  • Representation of citizens


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