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Publications per year


Professional profile

Full Professor at Universidad del Pacífico. He has a Doctorate in Spanish Literature from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, a Master’s degree in Hispanic Philology from Instituto de la Lengua Española, CSIC (Spain) and holds a Licentiate (professional license) in Philosophy from Facultad de Teología Pontificia y Civil de Lima. He has been the winner of the Amado Alonso International Prize for Literary Criticism (Navarra, 2004) and holds the El Barco de Vapor National Prize for Children's and Young People's Literature (Lima, 2009). He is part of the project Introduction to the poetics of the travel narrative in the Spanish literature of the 19th and 20th centuries directed by Luis Alburquerque, Scientific Researcher at the CSIC. For five years he has promoted a Cycle of Digital Humanities developed successfully in Lima, with more than twenty guests from different countries. In his Humanities Coordination he has developed more than twenty activities including seminars, conferences, congresses and symposia. He is a member of the Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, Asociación Internacional Siglo de Oro, Asociación Internacional de Cervantistas and the Riva Agüero Institute. He has been coordinator of the Humanities Area of the Research Center and director of the Universidad del Pacífico Center for China and Asia-Pacific Studies. He was director of the Revista de Estudios Orteguianos during the period 2017-2020. He is the author of El Quijote and his idea of virtue, Madrid, CSIC, 2012; Good judgment in Don Quixote, Valencia; Pretextos, 2005 and has written more than thirty works, including articles and book chapters, published in various countries. Some of his latest texts are: “Cervantes y Vargas Llosa. Two literary architectures”, in Hybris Vol. 8: Special. The impossible mestizaje, 2017, "Peruvian Eyes of a Cervantino Guadiana: Honorio Delgado and Luis Jaime Cisneros" in Cervantes and Hispanoamérica: critical variations. Mexico City: UNAM / Dickinson College, 2019.


Doctor en Literatura

Apr 2006Jun 2008

Licenciado en Filosofía

Apr 1990Jul 2001

Magíster en Filología Hispánica

Jun 2003 → …

Concytec Score

  • Carlos Monge III

Researching Topics

  • Linguistics and literature
  • Digital Humanities
  • Travel Story

Teaching Topics

  • Philosophy
  • History and philosophy of science
  • Spanish golden age literature


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