Activities per year
- 1 - 50 out of 844 results
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Creencias y prácticas religiosas andinas
Armas Asín, F. A. (Speaker)
3 Apr 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Religión y culturas en diálogo
Armas Asín, F. A. (Speaker)
7 Nov 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Women and Responsible Entrepreneurship, Evidence from B Corporations in Latin America
Dávalos, J. (Speaker) & Prialé, M. (Speaker)
1 Aug 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Primer panel de herramientas para la docencia: La Filosofía va al Cine
Del Mastro Puccio, C. A. (Speaker)
14 Mar 2024Activity: Participating in an event
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Apreciación literaria: "Asesinato en el Orient Express" (Agatha Christie)
Del Mastro Puccio, C. A. (Speaker)
12 Jan 2024 → 23 Feb 2024Activity: Participating in an event
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Filosofía y literatura en Riboulet y Beauvoir: gesto erótico y acción política
Del Mastro Puccio, C. A. (Speaker)
3 May 2024Activity: Participating in an event
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Corps désiré, corps ennemi. L´ambivalence du geste érotique chez Caravage et Riboulet
Del Mastro Puccio, C. A. (Speaker)
8 Mar 2024Activity: Participating in an event
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SOMOS UP Agosto - Taller de Administración
Granthon Uriarte, R. J. (Speaker) & Gálvez, E. (Speaker)
10 Aug 2024Activity: Participating in an event
VI Encuentro de Egresados y Egresados Empresarios
Chong Chong, M. G. (Speaker)
28 Oct 2024 → 1 Nov 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Interactions in a High Immigration Context
Galarza Arellano, F. B. (Speaker)
16 Aug 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Challenges for Education in the New Era: Education and Training in Industry 5.0 Role
Luna, A. E. (Speaker) & Chong Chong, M. G. (Speaker)
12 Mar 2024Activity: Participating in an event
An analytical network process approach for shelter selection in rural areas
Luna, A. E. (Speaker) & Chong Chong, M. G. (Speaker)
28 Apr 2024Activity: Participating in an event
SOMOS UP Agosto - Conversatorio Humanidades Digitales
Monsalve Zanatti, M. (Speaker)
10 Aug 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Solución de Diferencias en la OMC
Zuñiga Schroder, H. A. (Speaker)
8 Apr 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Temas actuales de Comercio Internacional - Acuerdos de la MC-13
Zuñiga Schroder, H. A. (Speaker)
22 May 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Conferencia: "Imputación objetiva y subjetiva en el delito económico: Alcances y diferencias".
Bendezú Barnuevo, R. F. (Speaker)
8 Mar 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Informality and Wealth Distribution: A Heterogeneous Agent Model
Salinas Depaz, C. S. (Speaker)
17 Aug 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Presentación de libro "El abuso de la ética"
Carrión Caravedo, Ú. (Speaker)
6 Nov 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Credit Limits and Consumption Behavior over the Life Cycle
Salinas Depaz, C. S. (Speaker)
14 Nov 2024 → 16 Nov 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Los Incas. Más allá de un imperio
Pardo Grau, C. M. (Speaker)
25 Sep 2024 → 1 Nov 2024Activity: Participating in an event
“Patronato, derechos eclesiásticos y realidad. Los obispos y la crisis independentista (Perú, 1820-1827)”.
Armas Asín, F. A. (Speaker)
4 Nov 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Junín y Ayacucho 1824. La conclusión de las independencias americanas
Armas Asín, F. A. (Speaker)
9 Aug 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Gender Roles and Occupational Segregation in Peru
Beltrán Barco, A. C. L. (Speaker)
13 Jun 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Remarks on projected solutions for generalized Nash equilibrium problems
Cotrina Asto, J. E. (Speaker)
13 May 2024 → 14 May 2024Activity: Participating in an event
A new existence result for generalized Nash games
Cotrina Asto, J. E. (Speaker)
10 Jul 2024 → 12 Jul 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Fenomenología de la escritura epistolar: César Moro a través del prisma de Hervé Guibert
Del Mastro Puccio, C. A. (Speaker)
16 May 2024Activity: Participating in an event
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Sobre el régimen multilateral de comercio (OMC) y su impacto en nuestra economía.
Zuñiga Schroder, H. A. (Speaker)
26 Aug 2024Activity: Participating in an event
SOMOS UP Agosto - Taller de Política, Filosofía y Economía
Castro Carlín, J. F. (Speaker)
10 Aug 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Conferencia: "Causas de justificación: Cumplimiento de un deber y ejercicio legítimo de un derecho”, X Summer Law Program: Derecho Penal.
Bendezú Barnuevo, R. F. (Speaker)
29 Feb 2024Activity: Participating in an event
SOMOS UP Agosto - Taller de Economía
Mateu Bullon, P. F. (Speaker) & Llosa Velásquez, L. G. (Speaker)
10 Aug 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Autonomía y dignidad humana en la concepción moral de Kant
Carrión Caravedo, Ú. (Speaker)
24 Jul 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Participación Evento Ingeniería UP
Maehara Aliaga, R. P. (Speaker), Chong Chong, M. G. (Speaker), Stucchi Portocarrero, L. (Speaker) & Wam, J. (Speaker)
4 Sep 2024Activity: Participating in an event
SOMOS UP Agosto - Taller de Ingeniería en Innovación y Diseño
Chong Chong, M. G. (Speaker)
10 Aug 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Participación Evento Ingeniería UP
Aliaga Aliaga, W. (Speaker)
4 Sep 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Congreso Internacional de Investigación en Ingeniería e Innovación C-4I-2024
Chong Chong, M. G. (Speaker)
31 Oct 2024 → 2 Nov 2024Activity: Participating in an event
La economía de la independencia y la iniciación republicana
Armas Asín, F. A. (Speaker)
15 Aug 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Democracia, fricciones y críticas públicas. Las relaciones Iglesia-Estado en Perú, 1980-1990.
Armas Asín, F. A. (Speaker)
4 Sep 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Perú. Una historia compartida.
Armas Asín, F. A. (Speaker)
5 Oct 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Fotos, Glaciares y cambio climático
Espezúa Llerena, S. (Commentator)
19 Aug 2024Activity: Participating in an event
SOMOS UP Agosto - Taller de Ingeniería de la Información
Espezúa Llerena, S. (Speaker) & Ayma Quirita, V. H. (Speaker)
10 Aug 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Conversatorio "La creación literaria durante la vida universitaria"
Del Mastro Puccio, C. A. (Speaker)
3 Apr 2024Activity: Participating in an event
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Remarks on projected solutions for generalized Nash equilibrium problems
Cotrina Asto, J. E. (Speaker)
30 May 2024 → 31 May 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Participación Evento Ingeniería UP
de Azambuja Donayre, Ó. F. (Speaker)
4 Sep 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Ethnic identity, gender, education, income and Willingness to Pay (WTP) premiums for Organic Peruvian Quinoa towards a post-COVID era
Higuchi, A. (Speaker)
9 Feb 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Excess mortality analysis during the pandemic, caused by cardiovascular disease and COVID-19.
Luna, A. E. (Speaker) & Chong Chong, M. G. (Speaker)
28 Apr 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Aplicaciones efectivas de la ciencia de datos en diversos sectores y próximos retos en el campo.
Luna, A. E. (Speaker)
7 Mar 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Workshop: Applications of IOT For Non-Interconnected Zones
Luna, A. E. (Speaker) & Chong Chong, M. G. (Speaker)
10 Mar 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Inclusión social en minería: el caso de los proveedores
Wong Cam, D. E. (Speaker)
15 Jan 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Diáspora china al Sud-este asiático y Latinoamérica: qué puede aprender Perú de Indonesia (1821-2022)
Wong Cam, D. E. (Speaker)
30 Jan 2024Activity: Participating in an event
Technical Barriers to Trade and the WTO: The experience of Peru
Zuñiga Schroder, H. A. (Speaker)
14 Nov 2024Activity: Participating in an event