Activities per year
- 550 - 600 out of 822 results
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WORKSHOP: 2020 Our resilience - Our Home Class experience
Luna, A. E. (Speaker) & Chong Chong, M. G. (Speaker)
14 Mar 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Cambio tecnológico: Modelos teóricos y aplicaciones
Bravo Orellana, E. R. (Speaker)
2 Mar 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Charlas en honor a Renzo Rossini: Hitos de las reformas macroeconómicas en el Perú 1990-2020
Parodi Trece, C. A. J. (Speaker)
26 Aug 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Digital Innovation And Business Performance During The Pandemic Crisis
Flores Castro, J. A. (Speaker)
12 Jun 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Historia Empresarial del Perú
Monsalve Zanatti, M. (Speaker)
13 Aug 2021Activity: Participating in an event
The effect of mobility convenience and virtual communities on the continued use of online education systems
Rodríguez Serra, M. (Speaker) & Libaque Saenz, C. F. (Speaker)
12 Nov 2021Activity: Participating in an event
The Effect of Business Intelligence on Innovation: The Mediation Role of Networking Collaboration
Heredia Pérez, J. A. (Speaker)
12 Jun 2021 → 13 Jun 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Remote work in the innovation process of Chinese companies
Flores Castro, J. A. (Speaker)
13 Jun 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Buenaventura como zona económica especial: un análisis a partir de la concertación local y de las experiencias de Asia y América Latina .
Malca Guaylupo, Ó. E. (Speaker)
14 Oct 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Adopción y continuidad de uso de tecnologías
Libaque Saenz, C. F. (Speaker)
2 Mar 2021Activity: Participating in an event
La lenta constitución de grupos empresariales en el Perú (1930-1985)
Monsalve Zanatti, M. (Speaker)
7 Jun 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Comparison of nanostore supply chain strategies in urban areas: The case of Ica, Peru
Chong Chong, M. G. (Speaker)
2 Dec 2021 → 4 Dec 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Do More School Resources Increase Learning Outcomes? Evidence from an Extended School-Day Reform
Basurto Preciado, M. P. (Commentator)
20 Sep 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Characterizing quasiconvexity of the pointwise infimum of a family of arbitrary translations of quasiconvex convex functions
García Ramos, Y. V. (Speaker)
31 Mar 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Technical assistance and productivity: What motivates Peruvian cocoa farmers to select a marketing channel? – An evidence-based evaluation from Tocache
Higuchi Yshizaki, A. L. (Speaker)
22 Jun 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Finite Mixture of Birnbaum-Saunders distributions using the k-bumps algorithm
Maehara Aliaga, R. P. (Speaker)
21 Apr 2021Activity: Participating in an event
A Robust Birnbaum-Saunders distribution based on asymmetric heavy-tailed distributions
Maehara Aliaga, R. P. (Speaker)
29 Jul 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Iglesia e independencia. Crisis y nuevo orden
Armas Asín, F. A. (Speaker)
14 Jul 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Presentación: "Covid-19: Desempleo, desigualdad y precarización en el Perú 2020-2030"
Alarco Tosoni, G. A. (Speaker)
20 Sep 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Presentación: "La Economía en tiempos del covid-19: diagnóstico y propuestas"
Alarco Tosoni, G. A. (Speaker)
1 Mar 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Ponencia: "Visión Perú 2021, 2030 y 2050: evaluación de alternativas"
Alarco Tosoni, G. A. (Speaker)
23 Mar 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Presentación: "Inversión extranjera directa y solución de controversias en el Perú"
Alarco Tosoni, G. A. (Speaker)
22 Jun 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Paths to leadership in Data Science
Rodríguez Serra, M. (Speaker)
8 Mar 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Remote Work in the Innovation Process of Chinese Companies
Heredia Pérez, J. A. (Speaker)
12 Jun 2021 → 13 Jun 2021Activity: Participating in an event
A Will in Search of a Way: Philanthropy in Education in Peru
Bird, M. D. (Speaker) & León, V. M. (Speaker)
25 Apr 2021 → 2 May 2021Activity: Participating in an event
La Lógica Fuzzy para Analizar la Relación entre Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación y Resultados Económicos en Nuevas Empresas
Lazo Lazo, J. G. (Speaker)
12 Apr 2021 → 14 Apr 2021Activity: Participating in an event
18 Aniversario de la creación institucional de la facultad de ciencias empresariales
Parodi Trece, C. A. J. (Speaker)
15 May 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Plan de Reactivación de las Exportaciones 2021 -2026
Malca Guaylupo, Ó. E. (Speaker)
8 Nov 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Emergencia sanitaria: Reactivación económica y medidas de reacción tributaria
Alva Gonzales, E. P. (Speaker)
15 Mar 2021Activity: Participating in an event
File -
Conferencia seminario del bicentenario de la patria
Parodi Trece, C. A. J. (Speaker)
21 Jul 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Spatial-Based DSS to allocate decentralized response facilities using public spaces during COVID-19 pandemic
Rodríguez Serra, M. (Speaker)
30 Apr 2021 → 5 May 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Heredia Pérez, J. A. (Speaker)
12 Jun 2021 → 13 Jun 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Oportunidades y retos para un desarrollo sostenible
Parodi Trece, C. A. J. (Speaker)
3 Sep 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Trazando Rutas de Acción para la “Nueva Normalidad” en la Educación Superior
Alva Gonzales, E. P. (Participant)
14 Oct 2021 → 3 Dec 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Crisis de los Contenedores y su Impacto en América Latina
Malca Guaylupo, Ó. E. (Speaker)
15 Dec 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Sobre ética, literatura y educación a partir de Emmanuel Levinas, Paul Ricoeur y Luis Jaime Cisneros
Del Mastro Puccio, C. A. (Speaker)
1 Nov 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Congreso regional de estudiantes de economía Callao 2021
Parodi Trece, C. A. J. (Speaker)
26 Jul 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Rol y Participación activa de estudiantes como actores políticos desde una visión económica
Parodi Trece, C. A. J. (Speaker)
2 Dec 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Retos para las MIPYMES exportadoras
Malca Guaylupo, Ó. E. (Speaker)
9 Nov 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Evolución de los Ecosistemas de emprendimiento en el Perú
Weinberger Villarán, K. E. (Speaker)
3 Nov 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Adopción tecnológica: Un enfoque práctico
Libaque Saenz, C. F. (Speaker)
28 Aug 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Empresa y tecnología en el Perú 1890-1930
Monsalve Zanatti, M. (Speaker)
28 Jan 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Congreso Internacional «La recepción de Cervantes: huellas, recreaciones y reescrituras (siglos XVII-XXI)»
Pérez Martínez, Á. R. (Speaker)
20 Dec 2021 → 21 Dec 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Presentación del Libro: Historia Empresarial de América Latina: Temas, debates y problemas
Monsalve Zanatti, M. (Panelist)
15 May 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Escuela de formación 2021
Parodi Trece, C. A. J. (Speaker)
8 Aug 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Encuentro regional de economistas 2021
Parodi Trece, C. A. J. (Speaker)
13 Mar 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Sistema Inteligente para Invertir en Acciones para Corto Plazo
Lazo Lazo, J. G. (Speaker)
27 Feb 2021Activity: Participating in an event
A configuration Approach To Explain The Environmental Sustainability Behavior in Emerging Economies: The Case of Peru
Heredia Pérez, J. A. (Speaker)
26 May 2021 → 28 May 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Development an earthquake decision making tool for humanitarian logistic network applied in Popayan, Colombia
Chong Chong, M. G. (Speaker)
30 Apr 2021 → 5 May 2021Activity: Participating in an event
Assessing the effect of absorptive capacity and economic grants on innovation: Evidence from Peruvian MSMEs
Libaque Saenz, C. F. (Speaker)
19 Aug 2021Activity: Participating in an event